Following the arithmetization of classical maths, it
was natural, in this line of development, that attention should next be
directed toward the foundations of arithmetic itself, and, in fact, this is
what happened around 1880. Apparently, before the nineteenth century, no one
had attempted to define addition and multiplication in any other way than by a
direct appeal to intuition.
Leibnitz alone, faithful to his principles, pointed
out explicitly that "truths" as "obvious" as 2 + 2 = 4 are
no less capable of proof, if one reflects on the definitions of the numbers
which appear there in, and he did not by any means regard the commutativity of
addition and multiplication as self-evident. As examples of non-commutative
operations, he cited subtraction, division, and exponentiation. At one time he
even attempted to introduce such operations into his logical calculus. He did
not, however, push his reflections on this subject any further, and in the
middle of the nineteenth century progress has still not been made in this
Even Weierstrass, whose lectures contributed greatly
to the spread of "arith-metizing" point of view, did not realize the
necessity of a logical clarification of the theory of integers. The first steps
in this direction are, apparently, due to Grassman who, in 1861 gave a
definition of addition and multiplication of integers and proved their
fundamental properties (commutativity, associativity, dis-tributivity), using
nothing but the operation x —>x + 1 and the principle of induction.
The latter had been clearly conceived and used for the
first time in the seventeenth century by B.Pascal though more or less explicit
applications of it are to be found in the maths of antiquity - and it was in
current use by mathematicians from the second half of the seventeenth century.
But it was not until 1888 that Dedekind enunciated a
complete system of axioms for arithmetic (reproduced three years later by Peano
and usually known under his name), which contained, in particular, a precise
formulation of the principle of induction (which Grassman had used without
enunciating it explicitly).
With this axiomatization it seemed that the definitive
foundations of maths had been attained. But, in fact, at the very moment when
the axioms of arithmetic were being clearly formulated, arithmetic, itself was
being dethroned from this role of primordial science in the eyes of many
mathematicians (beginning with Dedekind and Peano), in favour of the most
recent of math theories, namely, the theory of sets; and the controversies
which were to surround the notion of integers cannot be isolated from the great
"crisis of foundations" of the years 1900-1930.
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