After the more or less evident bankruptcy of
the different systems developed to examine
the relations of maths to reality or to the great categories of thought, it
look, at the beginning of the century, as if the attempt had just about been abandoned
to conceive of maths as a science characterized by a definitely specified purpose
and method; instead, there was a tendency to look upon maths as "as collection of disciplines based on particular,
exactly specified concepts" interrelative
by "a thousand roads of communication", allowing the methods
of any these disciplines to fertilize
one or more of the others.
Today we believe, however, that the
internal evolution of math science has, in spite of appearance, brought about a
closer unity among its different parts, so as to create something like a
central nucleus that is more coherent than it has ever been. The essential
aspect of this evolution has been the systematic study of the relations
existing between different math theories, and which has led to what is
generally known as the "axiomatic method".
The words "formalism" and
"formalistic method" are also often used; but it is important to be
on one's guard from the start against the confusion which may be caused by the use of these ill-defined
words, and which is but too frequently made use of by the opponents of the
axiomatic method. Everyone knows that superficially maths appears as this
"long chain of reasons" of which Descartes spoke; every math theory is a concatenation
of propositions, each one derived from
the preceding ones in conformity with the rules of a logical system, which is
essentially the one codified, since the time of Aristotle, under the name of I
"formal logic", conveniently adapted to the particular aims of the
It is, therefore, a meaningless truism to
say that this "deductive reasoning" is a unifying principle for
maths. So superficial a remark can certainly not account for the evident
complexity of different math theories, not any more than one could, for example, unite physics and biology
into a single science on the ground ; that both use the experimental method.
The method of reasoning by means of chains
of syllogisms is nothing but a transforming mechanism applicable just as well
to one set of premises as to an other; it could not serve therefore to
characterize these premises. In other words, it is the external form which the
mathematician gives to his thought, the vehicle I which makes it accessible to
others, in short, the language suited to maths; this is all, no further
significance should be attached to it.
Indeed, every mathematician knows that a proof
has not really been "understood" if one has done nothing more than
verifying step by step the correctness of the deductions of which it is
composed, and has not tried to gain a clear insight into the ideas which have
led to the construction of this particular chain of deductions in preference to
every other one.
To lay down the rules of this language, to
set up its vocabulary and to clarify its syntax, all that is, indeed, extremely
useful; indeed, this constitutes one aspect of the axiomatic method, the one
that can properly be called logical formalism (or "logistics" as it
is sometimes called). But we emphasize that it is but one aspect of this
method, indeed, the least interesting one.
What the axiomatic method sets as its
essential aim, is exactly that which logical formalism by itself can not
supply, namely, the profound
intelligibility of maths. Just as
the experimental method starts from a priori belief in the permanence of
natural laws, so the axiomatic method has its cornerstone in the conviction
that, not only is maths not a randomly developing concatenation of syllogisms,
but neither is it a collection of more or less "astute" tricks
arrived at by lucky combinations, in
which purely technical cleverness wins the day.
Where the superficial observer sees only
two, or several, quite distinct theories, lending one another
"unexpected" support through the intervention of a mathematician of genius, the axiomatic method
teaches us to look for the deeplying reasons for such a discovery, to find the
common ideas of these theories, buried
under the accumulation of details properly belonging to each of them, to bring these ideas forward and to put them in
their proper light.
The concept of the axiomatic method was
not formed at once; rather, it is a stage in an evolution, which has been in
progress for more than a half-century, and which has not escaped serious opposition,
among philosophers as well as among mathematicians themselves. Many of the
latter have been unwilling for a long time to see in axiomatics anything else
than futile logical hairsplitting not capable of fructifying any theory
This critical attitude can probably
be accounted for by a purely historical accident. The first axiomatic
treatments and those which caused the greatest stir (those of arithmetic by
Dedekind and Peano, those of Euclidean geometry by Hilbert) dealt with univalent theories, i. е., theories
which are entirely determined by their complete system of axioms; for this
reason they could not be applied to any theory except the one from which they
had been extracted (quite contrary to what we have seen, for instance, for the
theory of groups). If the same had been true for all other structures, the
reproach of sterility brought against the axiomatic method, would have been
fully justified.
There also occurred, especially at
the beginning of axiomatics, a whole crop of monster-structures entirely without
applications, their sole merit was that of ,1 lowing the exact bearing of each
axiom, by observing what happened if one omitted or changed it. There was, of
course, a temptation to conclude that these were the only results that could be
expected from the axiomatic method.
But the further development of the
method has revealed its power; and the repugnance which it still meets here and
there, can only be explained by the natural difficulty of the mind to admit, in
dealing with a concrete problem, that a form of intuition, which is not
suggested directly by the given elements (and which often can be arrived at only
by a higher and frequently difficult stage of abstraction), can turn out to be
equally fruitful.
As concerns the objections of the
philosophers, they are related to a domain, on which for reasons of inadequate
competence we must guard ourselves from entering; the great problem of the
relations between the empirical world and the math world. We do not consider
here the objections which have arisen from the application of the rules of
formal logic to the reasoning in axiomatic theories; these are connected with
logical difficulties encountered in the theory of sets. Suffice it to point out
that these difficulties can be overcome in a way which leaves neither the
slightest qualms nor any doubt as to the correctness of the reasoning.
That there is an intimate connection
between experimental phenomena and math structures, seems to be fully confirmed
in the most unexpected manner by the recent discoveries of contemporary
physics. But we are completely ignorant as the underlying reasons for this fact
(supposing that one could indeed attribute a meaning to these words) and we
shall, perhaps, always remain ignorant of them. There, certainly, is one
observation which might lead the philosophers to the greater circumspection on
this point in the future: before the revolutionary developments of modern
physics, a great deal of effort was spent on trying to drive maths from experimental truths,
especially from immediate space intuitions. It turned out, however, that this
intimate connection was nothing more than an a fortuitous contact of two
disciplines whose real connections are much more deeply hidden than could have
been supposed a priori.
From the axiomatic point of view,
maths appears thus as a storehouse of abstract forms — the math structures; and
it so happens — without our knowing why - that
certain aspects of empirical reality fit themselves into these forms, as it though
a kind of preadaptation, of course, it cannot be denied that most of these
forms had originally a very definite intuitive content; but it is exactly by
deliberately throwing out this content, that it has been possible to give these
forms all the power which
they were capable of displaying and to prepare them for new interpretations and
for the development of their full power.
It is only in this sense of the word
"form" that one can call the axiomatic method a
"formalism". The unity which it gives to maths is not the armour of
formal logic, the unity of a lifeless skeleton; it is the nutritive fluid of an
organism to which all the great math thinkers since Gauss have contributed, all
those who, in the words of Lejeune-Dirichlet, have always labored to
"substitute ideas for calculations".
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