воскресенье, 29 января 2017 г.

Click Fraud the headache for AdSense.


Click Fraud the headache for AdSense. Fraudulent clicks in advertising.

Click fraud (from the English click fraud -. Scam press) - is kind of online fraud, based on the fraudulent (false ones) click advertising. Such clicks can be done in in manual mode (the attacker without the help improvised, clicks on advertising), and automatic (Clicks by using automated GOVERNMENTAL scripts or programs). On assurances harsh of analysts, the share of fraudulent clicks is about 10-15% of all clicks on the advertising market. However, not all false Clicks can be recorded, and therefore their real share a lot more. Click fraud - a real headache for Search Engines and individual PPC-affiliate.

Now let's look at examples of how to cheat clicks. It is carried out in real life. Let's say you own ports thawed selling elephants. Business should be lifted, and you solved Eat to put a portion of their income on advertising. You register AdSense or Yandex and thus create an ad as to on-demand "to buy an elephant," the search engine gave out links to your store. Of course, it costs money, so you refill your account for a certain amount that is consumed when the user clicks on your ad (one click on ad costs differently from $ 0.1 and above).

Everything sound perfect: search engine advertising provided, users on it transferred go - but there it was! Competitors in elephants trade saw your new ad and decided to thoroughly spoil your advertising campaign. In the simplest case, they will charge his subordinates to see all advertisements that search engines give out on request "to buy an elephant" and the click on the ads that lead to your shop elephants. Of course, will not buy anything. Their goal - to reduce Budget your advertising campaign. After several days of false Clicks your ad budget significantly reduced or even dry up, and competitors will jump from happiness. If your competitors have a few people in subjection, they will hire a programmer, so he wrote tools to automatically clicks advertising. Using this utility will also reduce your budget. Naturally, this practice is deceptive and non-honest with you.

Consider another example of the click fraud. Basil attacker wants to earn more money. He decided to illegally earn on PPC-affiliate (Pay-per-Click - affiliate programs that pay the site owner for that users click through advertisements on the site). Basil register your site in the corresponding guide affiliate and advertiser finds that offers to place an advertisement on Basil resource. Farther Vasily himself begins Clicks ads from his own site (changing the IP and other environment variables). This brings him income, while the advertiser receives zero efficiency of their advertising.

SIGNS of Click fraud

Perhaps buying advertising on the Internet, now you start to fear of clicks fraud and think about how to track fraudulent clicks. There are several ways to deal with click fraud, but first let's look at its main signs.

1. If the advertising clicks have been generated with the same IP-address, it should direct to the suspicion that there is something wrong.
It is estimated that more than ten clicks on advertising from one IP - it is a clear sign of click fraud.
2. If a visitor who went to your site to sell elephants, immediately left him, then there are two possibilities: or you made a disgusting site, or does the visitor was not interested in buying an elephant, just wanted to reset your advertising budget.
3. If a visitor who went to your site, does not produce no action (do not move the mouse, not scrolls pages, do not click on the links), here also there are two options: visitor - a clear zombie or there has not been without the use tion of fraudulent software for click fraud.
4. If the number of clicks to your website increase, and the level of conversion has decreased, it can also talk about the click-Fraud. Conversion shows the effectiveness of advertising on the site Network. It is calculated as follows: count the number of visitors who, after entering the site made any active action (for example, still bought the elephant) and divide it by the total number of visitors to the site, and then multiply the result by 100. As a result, we get a figure ad conversion percentage.
5. No session in a cookie is also considered a sign of click fraud, fraudulent because the program does not usually use the session.

FIGHTING click fraud: SPYBOX

So we looked at the basic signs of cheating clicks. Now let's move on to specific methods for controlling click-fraud. Naturally, the search engine / advertising platform where you have registered, will provide an abstract Statistics. But we will look at products from third-party development team, as they are 100% interested in that mediated lead us all false clicks (still, because they get paid for it). The first in our anti click fraoud solutions list is a service under called SpyBox. In fact, this full service web analytics which will help you increase the number of sales, corrected the behavior of visitors to increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and to do what most of us are interested in, - Identify fraudulent activities on the site. Works service quite simple: you register it and receive special tracking HTML-code, which must be installed at the desired page you before the tag . The code is similar to the following (in each case it will be a little different):

After installing the code you can follow the users action on your website as if it works special video that records and analyzes all. Before stages a wide range of functions to view reports: map attention of users of the site, the page scroll map, map of mouse movements and conversion statistics. Through all of these functions you can with high probability determine what visitors do on your site. Obviously,that if too many conversions were made from the same IP and while on the page was not made almost no action (This can be determined by page scrolling the map, as well as outline map mouse movements), then there is clearly not done no intruders. However, there have SpyBox and minuses: the product is not distributed for free (worth about 1,000 rubles a month), and only free version valid five days (in truth, to determine performed if the site cheat clicks, in some cases the five days would be enough.


SpyBox, of course, useful, but rather cumbersome. What to do if you only need to look at the statistics clicks and, perhaps, even the general statistics on the action? In this case it is better to turn to Adwatcher service that offers are not as detailed reports as SpyBox, but only the most relevant information. It also allows you to view free demo account on the ratio of unique clicks (Unique IP) and the total number of clicks (by the way, if they about the same, then it suggests that visitors pro who went to your site, do not commit almost no action). A more detailed report (for user actions) available 30-day trial version. Interestingly, the service is also provides a so-called reports of fraud reports, which just on click fraud detection. To Generate a report, you must create a new campaign tracking click fraud, to set some of its parameters (name of the project, tracking method) and paste it into the appropriate page the code below:

Following these simple manipulations campaign will work,and you can view reports on the generation of fake clicksits pages. The full version will cost you Adwatcher 30$.

Click fraud is punishable!

If your friend is involved in click fraud and Peter proved that clicks for him is nothing, do not believe this and always try to dissuade your friend from taking such a dirty business. Click fraud is punishable, and how! In 2003 he was arrested by programmer Michael Anthony Bradley, which extorted from Google 150 thousand dollars. Michael said that created a program that can go on advertisements, and to place it under the name Google Clique on the Internet, if Google is a great company will not give him the required amount. Naturally, the Google did not like it, and it quickly cooked up the case against Michael. However, unlucky clickfrauder was lucky, because as an institution it suddenly matter closed. Another incident involving click fraud, there was in 2009. Microsoft has accused some of Gordon Lam, Syuen Melanie and Eric Lam of fraud committed by wrapping advertising clicks inside the Microsoft platform. Such damage was estimated at 750 thousand dollars. For the click fraud is still possible to get to the head. Although in Russia clickfrauders country had never been arrested, remember that it can happen at any time.


With clickfrauders fight is not easy, because they are constantly committed perfections of their methods sklikivaniya (although there are still the person who makes all handles). To protect against such scam the search engines and other sites providing lyayut end user quite powerful analytic, with which you can suppress any click fraud on the vine. Of course, all clickfrauders and not track All intruders are not caught, but with the help of services, discussed in the article, you'll be able to catch quite large part clickfrauders and provide advertising platform report their actions to recover their money :).

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