пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

Letter from professor of astrophysics CERN about wormholes


I want to share here with letter of my friend who is experimental physicist. I do not mention his name here because he is well known scientist around the world but I found his words are very interestig in nowadays. We forget about cosmology. But cosmology keeps many unsolved problem and discovery.

The letter
I am an experimental and not a theoretical physicist. Therefore I am not an authority on wormholes. But a few comments may be in order. What must be distinguished is the mathematical formulation of wormholes in the context of General Relativity, and the use of wormholes in Science Fiction. Wormholes are possible solutions of Einstein's equations of General Relativity. They connect different points in space and time. There seems agreement that such solutions exist, there are many papers by respected authors which give details about the properties of wormholes. But for wormholes to exist for longer times, rather strange assumptions about the quantum nature of space and time must be ade which are not part of General Relativity (so far, all attempts to unite General Relativity with Quantum Theory in the context of a larger, unified, theory failed). Even if mathematically stable wormholes could be shown to exist, then remains still the question whether they are realized in nature. Why? We must make a difference between nature and the mathematica which we use to describe nature. The mathematics helps us to describe nature, it makes nature "understandable" and "predictable". But it must always be kept in mind that the mathematics is only a model (think of a net that you throw on nature to "catch " it; think, for example, of "life"; you can understand life in terms of biology, in terms of philosophy, in terms of psychology, in terms of sociology, etc. --- these are all models, logically different from life itself) and not nature itself, therefore, it is possible that mathematics describes something that is not realized in nature. Many enthusiasts of mathematics ignore this difference.

As to Science Fiction, wormholes are used for travel in space faster than light and for making time travel, and also for travel from one Universe to another (mathematically, it is possible to have several Universes, usually called "parallel universes"; but there is no proof whatsoever that this is more than speculation). But this is all nice to read but has not scientific meaning.

There was much noise about our large particle colliders producing "black holes" which will grow and eat up our planet. This is nonsense, theoretically (because this would happen in a world with higher dimensions than three spatial dimensions and one time dimension that we have) and practically (because the bombardment with particle with much, much higher energy from outer space - the ultrahigh cosmic energy particles - which our planet suffers since billions of years, would have produced already many black holes which would have eaten us up. They did not because they were not produced.

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