вторник, 24 января 2017 г.

The astronauts bombers


The astronauts bombers from the Soviet Union were on the Moon - September 29, 2003
In read Americans did not land on the moon and the entire program "Apollo" is a hoax, which is to create to make great image of the US government. The lecturer showed an American movie, which debunks the legend of landing astronauts on the moon. American flag on the moon, where there is no atmosphere, flapping as if it blew air flow. Look at the photo, allegedly shot by astronauts, "Apollo 11". Armstrong and Aldrin - the same height, and the shadow of one of the astronauts and a half times longer than the other. Likely, they covered the top spotlight, and therefore turned the shadows of different lengths, both from the street lamp. And by the way, who shot this photo? After all, in the frame, both at once the astronaut.

Many technical and other inconsistencies: the image in the frame does not twitch, the shadow value does not coincide with the position of the sun, and so on. The lecturer argued that historical footage of astronauts walking on the moon were made in Hollywood, and the angle of light reflectors, which were refined parameters lzhedesanta were simply dropped from robotic probes. In the years 1969-1972 the Americans 7 times flew to the moon. Except for an emergency flight "Apollo 13" 6 expeditions were successful. Every time an astronaut remained in orbit, and two landed on the moon. Each stage of the flight recorded literally every minute, keep detailed records and logbooks. On earth brought more than 380 kg of lunar rocks, made 13 thousand pictures on the Moon installed a seismograph and other instruments held technology test lunomobil and self-propelled guns on the battery power. Moreover, the astronauts found and brought back to Earth with a camera probe visited the Moon for two years before human. In the laboratory, this camera were found terrestrial bacteria streptococci, surviving in open space. This finding was important for the understanding of the fundamental laws of survival and propagation of the living matter in the universe. In America the debate whether Americans walked on the moon. In principle, nothing surprising, because in Spain after the return of Columbus were also disputes that in the new ontinents he opened. Such disputes are inevitable as long as the new earth will not be easily accessible to everyone. But the moon is only a dozen people visited. Despite the fact that in the Soviet Union carried live coverage of the first walk on the moon Neil Armstrong, and our American scientists worked closely in the processing of the results of scientific expeditions "Apollo". The Soviet Union had a rich photo archive, which was drawn up on the results of several flight vehicles "Moon", as well as samples of the lunar soil. Thus, the Americans had to negotiate not only with Hollywood, but also with the USSR, to which competition could be the only argument in favor of a hoax. I should add that while hollywood did not even hear about computer graphics and simply did not have the technology to fool the world. As for the next astronaut Conrad, then, as explained to us in the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, where samples of lunar soil are studied as lunar regolith is a loose rock, the imprint should remain optional. On the moon there is no air, there's not dusty regolith and does not scatter to the sides, as on Earth, where he is under your feet immediately turns into swirling dust. And the flag behaved as befits him. Although there is no wind on the moon and can not be, any material (wires, cables, cords), which unfolded astronauts in low gravity under the influence of the imbalance of power a few seconds squirmed, and then froze. Finally, a strange static image because the astronauts did not hold the camera in your hands, as the operators of the earth, and set it on a tripod, screwed to the chest. Moonlight US program could not be a performance also because the very high price was paid for it. One of the crew of "Apollo" was lost during Earth's training, the crew of "Apollo-13" does not reach the moon and returned to Earth. Yes and cost NASA program "Apollo" in the amount of $ 25 billion were subjected repeatedly checking multiple audit committee. The version that the Americans did not fly to the moon - the sensation is not the first freshness. Now in America as brewer's yeast grows more exotic legend. It turns out (and there are documented), a man on the moon yet visited. But it was not the American people. A Soviet! The USSR sent astronauts to the Moon, to serve their many rovers and instruments. But the Soviet Union did not informed the world about these expeditions because they were astronauts bombers. back to them was not to on the Soviet homeland. American astronauts have seen if the moon skeletons of these nameless heroes. According to the explanation of specialists from the Institute of Biomedical Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences, which is ready to fly astronauts to the corpse in a spacesuit on the moon will be about the same changes as the old canning jar. On the Moon there is no bacterial decay, so the astronaut at all desire can not turn into a skeleton.

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