суббота, 7 января 2017 г.

Calculation chemistry - modern technology

So about hacker. How we look at the nature via gadget, via observation. Now it is the most modern skills being hacker? Who are Hackers? Investigatiors from one side, bad guys from another. Its the modern profession and titile IT specialist, but the nature are still the unidentified. 

Look at the background
Both molecular and quantum mechanics methods rely on the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. In quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation (1) gives the wave functions and energies of a molecule.

HY = EY                                                                                                                           (1)
H is the molecular Hamiltonian,
Y is the wave function,
E is the energy.

The molecular Hamiltonian is composed of these operators:
- the kinetic energy of the nuclei (N) and electrons (E),
- nuclear-nuclear (NN) and electron-electron repulsion (EE),
- and the attraction between nuclei and electrons (NE)
(equation 1).

H (kinetic energy)N + (kinetic energy)E = + (repulsion)NN + (repulsion)EE + (attraction)NE        (2)
Nuclei have many times more mass than electrons. During a very small period of time when the movement of heavy nuclei is negligible, electrons are moving so fast that their distribution is smooth. This leads to the approximation that the electron distribution is dependent only on the fixed positions of nuclei and not on their velocities. This approximation allows two simplifications of the molecular Hamiltonian. The nuclear kinetic energy term drops out of the molecular Hamiltonian. The nuclear kinetic energy term drops out (equation 3).

H = (kinetic energy)E + (repulsion)NN + (repulsion)EE + (attraction)NE                                   (3)
Since the nuclear-nuclear repulsion is constant for a fixed configuration of atoms, this term also drops out. The Hamiltonian is now purely electronic. 
Helectronic = (kinetic energy)E + (repulsion)EE + (attraction)NE                                    (4)
After solving the electronic Schrödinger equation (equation 4), to calculate a potential energy surface, you must add back nuclear-nuclear repulsions (equation 5).

HelectronicYelectronic = EelectronicYelectronic
VPES = Eelectronic + (repulsion)NN                                                                 (5)

What is the Calculation chemisty? Is it only academic science and it time over leaveing experiments only for Ph.D students or this scince have future. Here I write only my experience to show the possibility of computational possibility and thinking about it.
Lets start with Water.

H2O - WATER (hydrogen oxide) H2O, they say. m. 18.016, just a steady Port. hydrogen with oxygen. The liquid is odorless, taste and color.
The structure and physical properties of the molecule.
Hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water molecules are located in the corners of an isosceles triangle with the length of the O-H 0.0957 nm;
valence angle H-O-H 104,5 °;
dipole moment of 6.17 * 10-30 * m Cl;
molecular polarizability 1.45 * 10-3 Nm3;
the average quadrupole time - 1.87 * 10-41 m2 * Kl,
the ionization energy of 12.6 eV,
proton affinity of 7.1 eV.

The length of the chemical bond - the distance between the nuclei of atoms chemically bonded. The length of chemical bonds - an important physical quantity that determines the geometric dimensions of the chemical bond, its extent in space.

Valence angle - the angle formed by the directions of chemical (covalent) bonds emanating from a single atom. Knowledge of bond angles is necessary to determine the molecular geometry. The valence angles depend on the individual characteristics of the attached atoms and the hybridization of the atomic orbitals of the central atom. For simple molecular bond angle as the other geometric parameters of the molecule can be calculated by methods of quantum chemistry. Experimentally, they are determined from the values ​​of the moments of inertia of the molecules obtained by the analysis of their rotational spectra (see. Infrared spectroscopy, molecular spectra, Microwave spectroscopy). Valence angle of complex molecules is determined by diffraction structural analysis.

Polarizability is the ability to form instantaneous dipoles. It is a property of matter. Polarizabilities determine the dynamical response of a bound system to external fields, and provide insight into a molecule's internal structure.

The electric dipole moment - vector physical quantity characterizing, along with net charge (and less frequently used higher multipole moments), the electrical properties of a system of charged particles (charge distribution) in the sense that it produces and field action on it of external fields.
The simplest system of charges, which has a certain (not depending on the choice of coordinates) of non-zero dipole moment - is a dipole (two point particles with the same largest of opposite charges).

The ionization energy - the energy of a communication, or as it is sometimes called, the first ionization potential (I1), is the lowest energy needed to remove an electron from a free atom in its lowest energy (ground) state on infinity. The ionization energy is one of the main characteristics of the atom from which depend largely on the nature and strength of chemical bonds formed by an atom. From the atomic ionization energy also depend significantly on reducing properties of the corresponding simple substance.

Electron affinity - can be any atom or molecule to the electron, or anions or molecules to the proton. The most important E. s. the atom the electron and molecular anions and the proton. Usually it expressed in eV per unit (atom, molecule, ion) or kcal / g-atom. E. s. the atom the electron has an energy that is released (positive affinity) or absorbed (negative affinity) in the case of accession to the atom the electron, becoming the anion.

When interaction. with other water molecules. atoms, ions and molecules, including with other molecules in the water condenses. phases, these parameters vary.
We create the molecule of water but still dont know what inside. Lets glance inside. What helps us - molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics. 

I) Setup the Molecular Mechanics
Molecular mechanical force fields use the equations of classical mechanics to describe the potential energy surfaces and physical properties of molecules. A molecule is described as a collection of atoms that interact with each other by simple analytical functions. This description is called a force field. One component of a force field is the energy arising from compression and stretching a bond.

Why we use AMBER? 
The AMBER (Assisted Model Building and Energy Refinement) is based on a force field developed for protein and nucleic acid computations by members of the Peter Kollman research group at the University of California, San Francisco. The original AMBER has become one of the more widely used academic force fields and extensive work has gone into developing it — resulting in a number of versions of the method and associated parameters.
Before we know something about molecular we should make the Geometry optimization to find the minimum of potential energy - the most stable condition of molecular. 
We do it. 

The minimum represents the potential energy closest to the starting structure of a molecule.
We will use the
Polak-Ribiere as the minimization algorithm. This algorithm is a good general-purpose optimizer. Both Polak-Ribiere and Fletcher-Reeves perform a series of one-dimensional searches, or cycles, in conjugate gradient directions. Different algorithms might be appropriate in different circumstances.
RMS gradient  Use 0.1 for the RMS gradient condition, and the default values for the other variables. 
Geometry Optimization
To carry out a geometry optimization (minimization), HyperChem starts with a set of Cartesian coordinates for a molecule and tries to find a new set of coordinates with a minimum potential energy. The potential energy surface is very complex, even for a molecule containing only a few dihedral angles.
Since minimization calculations cannot cross or penetrate potential energy barriers, the molecular structure found during an optimization may be a local and not a global minimum.
The minimum represents the potential energy closest to the starting structure of a molecule. Researchers frequently use minimizations to generate a structure at a stationary point for a subsequent single point calculation or to remove excessive strain in a molecule, preparing it for a molecular dynamics simulation.

Singe Point calculation
A single point calculation determines molecular properties, such as energy or spin density, of a defined molecular structure. Normally, these calculations are for stationary points on a potential energy surface. Occasionally, you may want to characterize the potential energy surface by calculating the energies of a grid of points on the surface. You can use those results to generate a contour plot of the surface.
With HyperChem, you can use either molecular or quantum mechanical methods for single point calculations. The calculation provides an energy and the gradient of that energy. The gradient is the root-mean-square of the derivative of the energy with respect to Cartesian coordinates. At a minimum the forces on atoms (the gradient) are zero. The size of the gradient can provide qualitative information to determine if a structure is close to a minimum.
I) Single Point
PolakRibiere optimizer
Energy=0.000015 Gradient=0.068458 Converged=YES (2 cycles 8 points).
Bond=1.21803e-005   Angle=3.248e-006   Dihedral=0 Vdw=0   H-bond=0   Electrostatic=0.
Single Point, MolecularMechanics, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.

Total Energy=0.000015 Gradient=0.068464.
Bond=1.21827e-005   Angle=3.24823e-006   Dihedral=0 Vdw=0   H-bond=0   Electrostatic=0.

Then we investigate the method Ab initio
II) Ab initio
 Ab initio (from the lat -. "From the beginning") - study the phenomenon of the natural laws without additional empirical assumptions or special models.
Ab initio quantum chemistry methods are computational chemistry methods based on quantum chemistry. The term ab initio was first used in quantum chemistry by Robert Parr and coworkers, including David Craig in a semiempirical study on the excited states of benzene. The all methods based on to solve the Schrödinger equation. In the Hartree–Fock method and the configuration interaction method, this approximation allows one to treat the Schrödinger equation as a "simple" eigenvalue (собственное значение) equation of the electronic molecular Hamiltonian, with a discrete set of solutions.
Polak-Ribiere as the minimization algorithm. This algorithm is a good general-purpose optimizer. Both Polak-Ribiere and Fletcher-Reeves perform a series of one-dimensional searches, or cycles, in conjugate gradient directions. Different algorithms might be appropriate in different circumstances.
RMS gradient  Use 0.1 for the RMS gradient condition, and the default values for the other variables.
The text boxes for RMS gradient and maximum cycles let you set conditions for ending a calculation. When the calculation reaches either of these criteria, the calculation ends.
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

PolakRibiere optimizer
Convergence limit = 0.0000100  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
Optimization algorithm = Polak-Ribiere
Criterion of RMS gradient = 0.1000 kcal/(A mol)  Maximum cycles = 45
The initial guess of the MO coefficients is from eigenvectors of the core Hamiltonian.
Shell Types: S, S=P.
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 10
Number of Doubly-Occupied Levels = 5
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals (Basis Functions) = 7
Primitive Gaussians = 21

Starting HyperGauss calculation with 7 basis functions and 21 primitive Gaussians.

2-electron Integral buffers will be 32000 words (double precision) long.
Two electron integrals will use a cutoff of  1.00000e-010
Regular integral format is used.
231 integrals have been produced.
E=-47041.8164 Grad=0.025 Conv=YES(3 cycles 10 points) [Iter=1 Diff=0.00000]

Total Energy                        =  -47041.8163877 (kcal/mol)
Total Energy                        =   -74.965896964 (a.u.)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =   46761.1574396 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =    74.518638516 (a.u.)
The Virial (-V/T)                   =          2.0060
eK, ee and eN Energy                =  -52630.8235968 (kcal/mol)
Nuclear Repulsion Energy            =    5589.0072091 (kcal/mol)
RMS Gradient                        =       0.0255718 (kcal/mol/Ang)

Single Point, AbInitio, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.
Convergence limit = 0.0000100  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
Computing gradient is requested.
The initial guess of the MO coefficients is from eigenvectors of the core Hamiltonian.
Shell Types: S, S=P.
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 10
Number of Doubly-Occupied Levels = 5
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals (Basis Functions) = 7
Primitive Gaussians = 21

Starting HyperGauss calculation with 7 basis functions and 21 primitive Gaussians.
Energy=-47041.816388 Gradient=0.025078 Symmetry=C2V

Total Energy                        =  -47041.8163879 (kcal/mol)
Total Energy                        =   -74.965896965 (a.u.)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =   46761.1623307 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =    74.518646311 (a.u.)
The Virial (-V/T)                   =          2.0060
eK, ee and eN Energy                =  -52630.8235810 (kcal/mol)
Nuclear Repulsion Energy            =    5589.0071931 (kcal/mol)
RMS Gradient                        =       0.0250783 (kcal/mol/Ang)

III) Use the Semi-emperical computational method
Semi-empirical quantum chemistry methods are based on the Hartree–Fock formalism, but make many approximations and obtain some parameters from empirical data. They are very important in computational chemistry for treating large molecules where the full Hartree–Fock method without the approximations is too expensive. The use of empirical parameters appears to allow some inclusion of electron correlation effects into the methods.
The other NDO methods, MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1, and PM3 replace nuclear repulsion terms in the potential energy by parameterized, core-repulsion terms. The terms compensate for considering only valence electrons in the electronic Schrödinger equation, and they incorporate effects of electron correlation.
PM3 is a reparameterization of AM1, which is based on the neglect of diatomic differential overlap (NDDO) approximation. NDDO retains all one-center differential overlap terms when Coulomb and exchange integrals are computed. PM3 differs from AM1 only in the values of the parameters. The parameters for PM3 were derived by comparing a much larger number and wider variety of experimental versus computed molecular properties. Typically, nonbonded interactions are less repulsive in PM3 than in AM1. PM3 is primarily used for organic molecules, but is also parameterized for many main group elements.
PolakRibiere optimizer
Convergence limit = 0.0100000  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
Optimization algorithm = Polak-Ribiere
Criterion of RMS gradient = 0.1000 kcal/(A mol)  Maximum cycles = 45
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 8
Number of Double Occupied Levels = 4
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals = 6

Starting PM3 calculation with 6 orbitals

E=-217.2215 Grad=0.014 Conv=YES(3 cycles 9 points) [Iter=1 Diff=0.00000]

Total Energy                        =   -7492.6904720 (kcal/mol)
Total Energy                        =   -11.940123906 (a.u.)
Binding Energy                      =    -217.2217040 (kcal/mol)
Isolated Atomic Energy              =   -7275.4687680 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Energy                   =  -10937.8397201 (kcal/mol)
Core-Core Interaction               =    3445.1492481 (kcal/mol)
Heat of Formation                   =     -53.4587040 (kcal/mol)
Gradient                            =       0.0125341 (kcal/mol/Ang)


Single Point, SemiEmpirical, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.
Convergence limit = 0.0100000  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 8
Number of Double Occupied Levels = 4
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals = 6

Starting PM3 calculation with 6 orbitals

Iteration = 1 Difference = 1086.48757
Iteration = 2 Difference = 15.32661
Iteration = 3 Difference = 6.16280
Iteration = 4 Difference = 2.80484
Iteration = 5 Difference = 0.00230
Energy=-217.221704 Gradient=0.013250 Symmetry=C2V

Total Energy                        =   -7492.6904717 (kcal/mol)
Total Energy                        =   -11.940123906 (a.u.)
Binding Energy                      =    -217.2217037 (kcal/mol)
Isolated Atomic Energy              =   -7275.4687680 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Energy                   =  -10937.8397555 (kcal/mol)
Core-Core Interaction               =    3445.1492838 (kcal/mol)
Heat of Formation                   =     -53.4587037 (kcal/mol)
Gradient                            =       0.0132503 (kcal/mol/Ang)


IR Spectrum
Transition State Search
As mentioned earlier, a potential energy surface may contain saddle points; that is, stationary points where there are one or more directions in which the energy is at a maximum. A saddle point with one negative eigenvalue (Собственное значение) corresponds to a transition structure for a chemical reaction of changing isomeric form. Transition structures also exist for reactions involving separated species, for
example, in a bimolecular reaction
A + B → C + D.
Activation energy, i.e., the energy of the transition structure relative to reactants, can be observed experimentally. However, the only way that the geometries of transition structures can be evaluated is from theory. Theory also can give energetics and geometry parameters of short-lived reaction intermediates.
Transition state search algorithms rather climb up the potential energy surface, unlike geometry optimization routines where an energy minimum is searched for. The characterization of even a simple reaction potential surface may result in location of more than one transition structure, and is likely to require many more individual calculations than are necessary to obtain equilibrium geometries for either reactant or product.
EIGENVALUES - собственное значение
The transitional state spectrum
Transition State Search: Eigenvector Following, SemiEmpirical, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.
Convergence limit = 0.0100000  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 8
Number of Double Occupied Levels = 4
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals = 6

Starting PM3 calculation with 6 orbitals

Computing the Hessian is required.
Computing the Hessian using Cartesian coordinates.
Iteration = 1 Difference = 1086.48757
Iteration = 2 Difference = 15.32661
Iteration = 3 Difference = 6.16280
Iteration = 4 Difference = 2.80484
Iteration = 5 Difference = 0.00230
Computing the initial Hessian: done 30%.
Computing the initial Hessian: done 60%.
Computing the initial Hessian: done 100%.

Total Energy                        =   -7492.6899994 (kcal/mol)
Total Energy                        =   -11.940123153 (a.u.)
Binding Energy                      =    -217.2212314 (kcal/mol)
Isolated Atomic Energy              =   -7275.4687680 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Energy                   =  -10937.8392833 (kcal/mol)
Core-Core Interaction               =    3445.1492838 (kcal/mol)
Heat of Formation                   =     -53.4582314 (kcal/mol)
Gradient                            =       0.1503936 (kcal/mol/Ang)


IV) Density Functional method
Density functional theory (DFT) is a computational quantum mechanical modelling method used in physics, chemistry and materials science to investigate the electronic structure (principally the ground state) of many-body systems, in particular atoms, molecules, and the condensed phases. Using this theory, the properties of a many-electron system can be determined by using functionals, i.e. functions of another function, which in this case is the spatially dependent electron density. Hence the name density functional theory comes from the use of functionals of the electron density. DFT is among the most popular and versatile methods available in condensed-matter physics, computational physics, and computational chemistry.
Vibrational Analysis, DFT, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.
Convergence limit = 0.0000100  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
The initial guess of the MO coefficients is from eigenvectors of the core Hamiltonian.
Shell Types: S, S=P.
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.
Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 10
Number of Doubly-Occupied Levels = 5
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals (Basis Functions) = 7
Primitive Gaussians = 21

Starting HyperDFT calculation with 7 basis functions and 21 primitive Gaussians.

2-electron Integral buffers will be 32000 words (double precision) long.
Two electron integrals will use a cutoff of  1.00000e-010
Regular integral format is used.
306 integrals have been produced.
Starting the SCF procedure...
Iteration = 1 Difference = 25.3750037271
Iteration = 2 Difference = 14.9830152138
Iteration = 3 Difference = 0.0339600050
Iteration = 4 Difference = 0.0006392639
Iteration = 5 Difference = 0.0000082136

Total Energy                        =  -47233.6385858 (kcal/mol)
Total Energy                        =   -75.271585057 (a.u.)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =   46816.5680366 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =    74.606940913 (a.u.)
The Virial (-V/T)                   =          2.0089
eK, ee and eN Energy                =  -53036.9116931 (kcal/mol)
Nuclear Repulsion Energy            =    5803.2731073 (kcal/mol)
RMS Gradient                        =      66.3487826 (kcal/mol/Ang)


IV) Molecular Dynamic method
Molecular Dynamics
A molecular dynamics simulation samples phase space (the region defined by atomic positions and velocities) by integrating numerically Newton’s equations of motion. Unlike single point and geometry optimization calculations, molecular dynamics calculation account for thermal motion. Molecules may contain enough thermal energy to cross potential barriers. Molecular dynamics calculations provide information about possible conformations, thermodynamic properties, and dynamic behavior of molecules.
Molecular dynamics, DFT, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.
Density Functional
Convergence limit = 0.0000100  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
Heat time = 0.0000 ps  Run time = 1.0000 ps
Cool time = 0.0000 ps  Time step = 0.0010 ps
Starting temperature = 0.0000 K  Simulation temperature = 300.0000 K
Final temperature = 0.0000 K  Temperature step = 0.0000 K
The initial guess of the MO coefficients is from eigenvectors of the core Hamiltonian.
Shell Types: S, S=P.
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 10
Number of Doubly-Occupied Levels = 5
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals (Basis Functions) = 7
Primitive Gaussians = 21

Potential Energy                    =  -47239.9774387 (kcal/mol)
Potential Energy                    =   -75.281686661 (a.u.)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =   46734.6537795 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =    74.476402251 (a.u.)
The Virial (-V/T)                   =          2.0108
eK, ee and eN Energy                =  -52597.6653235 (kcal/mol)
Nuclear Repulsion Energy            =    5357.6878848 (kcal/mol)
RMS Gradient                        =      20.3828990 (kcal/mol/Ang)


 Time = 1.0000 ps
 Kinetic Energy = 12.0096 kcal/mol
 Total Energy = -47227.9688 kcal/mol
 Temperature = 1342.99 K
Time=1.0000 ps TotalEnergy=-47227.9688 kcal/mol T=1342.99 K [final]

V) Langevin Dynamics
Molecules in solution undergo collisions with other molecules and experience frictional forces as they move through the solvent. Using Langevin dynamics, you can model these effects and study the dynamical behavior of a molecular system in a liquid environment. These simulations can be much faster than molecular dynamics. Instead of explicitly including solvent molecules, the Langevin method models their effect through random forces applied to the molecule of interest to simulate collisions, and frictional forces are added to model the energy losses associated with these collisions.
Langevin dynamics simulations can be used to study the same kinds of problems as molecular dynamics: time dependent properties of solvated systems at non-zero temperatures. Because of the implicit treatment of the solvent, this method is particularly wellsuited for studying large molecules in solution. It is possible to decouple the time scales of molecular motion and focus on just the slow modes associated with conformational changes, for example, or to follow the rapid bond stretching motions leading to chemical
reaction, while incorporating the influence of molecular collisions. Langevin dynamics has been use to study solvent effects on the structural dynamics of the active site of the enzyme lysozyme, conformational equilibria and the dynamics of conformational transitions in liquid alkanes, and temperature effects on a system of interacting quantum harmonic oscillators.

Langevin dynamics, DFT, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.
Density Functional
Convergence limit = 0.0000100  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
Heat time = 0.0000 ps  Run time = 1.0000 ps
Cool time = 0.0000 ps  Time step = 0.0010 ps
Starting temperature = 0.0000 K  Simulation temperature = 300.0000 K
Final temperature = 0.0000 K  Temperature step = 0.0000 K
Friction coefficient =       0.0000000
The initial guess of the MO coefficients is from eigenvectors of the core Hamiltonian.
Shell Types: S, S=P.
RHF Calculation:
RHF calculation in computational physics and chemistry, the Hartree–Fock (HF) method is a method of approximation for the determination of the wave function and the energy of a quantum many-body system in a stationary state.

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 10
Number of Doubly-Occupied Levels = 5
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals (Basis Functions) = 7
Primitive Gaussians = 21

Starting HyperDFT calculation with 7 basis functions and 21 primitive Gaussians.

2-electron Integral buffers will be 32000 words (double precision) long.
Two electron integrals will use a cutoff of  1.00000e-010
Regular integral format is used.
319 integrals have been produced.
Potential Energy                    =  -47238.6785911 (kcal/mol)
Potential Energy                    =   -75.279616816 (a.u.)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =   46734.6401218 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =    74.476380486 (a.u.)
The Virial (-V/T)                   =          2.0108
eK, ee and eN Energy                =  -52643.1736746 (kcal/mol)
Nuclear Repulsion Energy            =    5404.4950836 (kcal/mol)
RMS Gradient                        =      24.5004701 (kcal/mol/Ang)


Symmetry:      1 A'         2 A'         3 A'         4 A'         1 A" 
Eigenvalue: -512.483093   -24.481548   -11.503771    -5.930172    -3.671524
Symmetry:      5 A'         6 A' 
Eigenvalue:    8.049422    11.473605

 Time = 1.0000 ps
 Kinetic Energy = 1.4270 kcal/mol
 Total Energy = -47237.2500 kcal/mol
 Temperature = 159.58 K
Time=1.0000 ps TotalEnergy=-47237.2500 kcal/mol T=159.58 K [final]

IV) Method Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo Simulations
The Monte Carlo method samples phase space by generating random configurations from a Boltzmann distribution at a given temperature. Averages computed from a properly equilibrated Monte Carlo simulation correspond to thermodynamic ensemble averages. Thus, the Monte Carlo method can be used to find average energies and equilibrium structural properties of complex interacting systems.
A sequence of successive configurations from a Monte Carlo simulation constitutes a trajectory in phase space; with HyperChem, this trajectory may be saved and played back in the same way as a dynamics trajectory. With appropriate choices of setup parameters, the Monte Carlo method may achieve equilibration more rapidly than molecular dynamics. For some systems, then, Monte Carlo provides a more direct route to equilibrium structural and thermodynamic properties. However, these calculations can be quite long, depending upon the system studied. Monte Carlo simulations provide an alternate approach to the generation of stable conformations. As with HyperChem’s other simulation methods, the effects of temperature changes and solvation are easily incorporated into the calculations.
Monte Carlo, DFT, molecule = C:\Users\Lisa-Alisa\Desktop\H2O\water.hin.
Density Functional
Convergence limit = 0.0000100  Iteration limit = 50
Accelerate convergence = YES
Heat steps = 0  Run steps = 100
Cool steps = 0  Maximum delta = 0.0500 ps
Starting temperature = 0.0000 K  Simulation temperature = 300.0000 K
Final temperature = 0.0000 K  Temperature step = 0.0000 K
The initial guess of the MO coefficients is from eigenvectors of the core Hamiltonian.
Shell Types: S, S=P.
RHF Calculation:

Singlet state calculation
Number of electrons = 10
Number of Doubly-Occupied Levels = 5
Charge on the System = 0
Total Orbitals (Basis Functions) = 7
Primitive Gaussians = 21

Total Energy = -47238.7813 kcal/mol
 Temperature = 300.00 K
Steps=100.0000 TotalEnergy=-47238.7813 kcal/mol T=300.00 K [final]
Starting the SCF procedure...
Steps=100 Total Energy=-47238.7813 kcal/mol T=300.00 K [Iter=1 Diff=0.00000]

Potential Energy                    =  -47241.4656307 (kcal/mol)
Potential Energy                    =   -75.284058246 (a.u.)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =   46755.1090032 (kcal/mol)
Electronic Kinetic Energy           =    74.508999721 (a.u.)
The Virial (-V/T)                   =          2.0104
eK, ee and eN Energy                =  -52751.3071619 (kcal/mol)
Nuclear Repulsion Energy            =    5509.8415313 (kcal/mol)
RMS Gradient                        =      21.6762023 (kcal/mol/Ang)


Ok. How we look at the nature via gadget, via observation. Now it is the most modern skills being hacker? Who are Hackers? Investigatiors from one side, bad guys from another. Its the modern profession and titile IT specialist, but the nature are still the unidentified. We try to be chemical hacker. 

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