is the Queen of Science and
is the Queen of Mathematics.
The theory
of numbers, one of the oldest branches of maths, has engaged the attention of
many gifted mathematicians during the past 2300 years. The Greeks, Indians and
Chinese had made significant contributions prior to 1000 A.D. and in more
modern times the subject has been developed steadily since Fermat, one of the
fathers of maths.
In view of
the diversity of problems and methods grouped together under the name of number
theory, it is impossible to write even an introductory treatment which in any
sense covers the field completely. The properties of the series of natural
numbers, one of the basic and most essential concepts of maths, are the object
of the theory of numbers. One finds that there exist many simple rules
regarding numbers that are quite easy to discover and not too difficult to
number theory also includes an abundance of problems whose content can be
comprehended and expressed in simple terms, yet whose solution has for
centuries defied all math investigation. Other problems whose solutions have
been successfully obtained have yielded only to attacks by some of the most
ingenious and advanced methods of modern maths.
simplicity in form of its problems and the great variation in the methods and
tools for their solution explain the attraction that number theory has had for
mathematicians and laymen. The innumerable individual contributions,
calculations, speculations, and conjectures bear witness to the continued
interest in this field of maths throughout the centuries.
The origins
of the study of number properties go back probably almost as far us counting
and the arithmetic operations. It does not take long before it is discovered
that some numbers behave differently from the others; for instance, some
numbers can be divided into smaller equal parts and others not. The operations
with fractions lead immediately to the study of divisibility of numbers, the
least common multiple, and the greatest common divisor. Other approaches have
led to early number-theory questions. In number theory we are concerned with
properties of certain of the integers ..., -3, -2, —1,0, 1, 2, 3, ..., or
sometimes with those properties of the real and complex numbers which depend
rather directly on the integers. As in most branches Of abstract thought, it is
easier to characterize the theory of numbers extensively, by giving a large
number of examples of problems which are usually considered as parts of number
theory, than to define it intensively, by saying that exactly those problems
having certain characteristics will be included in the subject.
The problems
treated in classical number theory can be divided into groups according to a
more or less rough classification. First, there are multiplicative problems,
concerning with divisibility properties of the integers. It will be proved
later that any positive integer n greater than 1 can be represented uniquely
except for the order of the factors, as
a product of primes, i.e., integers greater than 1 having no exact divisors
except itself and 1. This may also be termed fundamental theorem of number
theory so manifold and varied are its applications. From the decomposition of я
into primes, it is easy to determine the number of divisors of n.
In another
direction, we have the problems of additive number theory: questions concerning
the representability, and the number of representations of a positive integer
as a sum of integers of a specified kind. For instance, upon examination it
appears that some integers, like 5=l2+22 and 13=22+32, are representable as a
sum of two squares; while others, like 3 or 12, are not. Which integers are so
representable and how many such representations are there?
A third
category may include what are known as Diophantine equations named after the
Greek mathematician Diophantus, who first studied them. These are equations in
one or more variables whose solutions must be integers, or at any rate rational
numbers. For example, it is a familiar fact that 32+42=52 which gives us a
solution of the Diophantine equation x2+y2=z2.
Giving a particular solution is hardly of interest; what is desired is an
explicit formula for all solutions. A
very famous Diophantine equation is that known as Fermat's equation: xn+yn=zn.
Fermat asserted that this equation has no solution (in nonzero integers, of
course) if n≥3; the assertion has never been proved or disproved for general n.
There is at present practically no general theory of Diophantine equations,
although there are many special methods, most of which were devised for the
solution of particular equations.
there are problems in Diophantine approximations. For example, given a real
number x and a positive integer N, find that rational number p/q for
which q≥N and |x—(p/q)| is minimal. The proofs that e and n are
transcendental also fall in this category. This branch of number theory
probably borrows the most from, and contributes the most to, other branches of
The theorems
of number theory can also be subdivided along entirely different lines — for
example, according to the methods used in their proofs. Thus, the dichotomies
of elementary and nonelementary, analytic and synthetic. A proof is elementary (although not necessarily
simple!) if it makes no use of the theory of functions of a complex variable,
and synthetic if it does not involve
the usual concepts of analysis - limits, continuity, etc. Sometimes, but not
always, the nature of the theorem shows that the proof will be in one or
another of these categories.
Pierre de Fermat
P. Fermat
(1601-1665) must be awarded the honour of being the founding father of number
theory as a systematic science. His life was quiet and uneventful and entirely centred
around the town of Toulouse, where he first studied jurisprudence, practiced
law, and later became prominent as councillor of the local parliament.
His leisure
time was devoted to scholarly pursuits and to a voluminous correspondence with
contemporary mathematicians, many of whom, like himself, were
gentlemen-scholars, the ferment of intellectual life in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. Fermat possessed a broad knowledge of the classics, enjoyed
literary studies, and wrote verse, but maths was his real love!
He published
practically nothing personally, so that his works have been gleaned from notes
that were preserved after his death by his family, and from letters and
treatises that he had sent to his correspondents. In spite of his modesty,
Fermat gained an outstanding reputation for his math achievements. He made
considerable contributions to the foundation of the theory of probability in his
correspondence with Pascal and introduced coordinates independently of Descartes.
The French often interject the name of Fermat as a cofounder of the calculus,
and there is considerable justification for this point of view.
In spite of
all these achievements, Fermat's real passion in maths was undoubtedly number
theory. He returned to such problems in almost all his letters; he delighted to
propose new and difficult problems, and to give solutions in large figures that
require elaborate computations; and most important of all, he announced new
principles and methods that have inspired all work in number theory after him.
Fermat's factorization method (which is the point interesting us particularly)
is based upon the following facts. If a number n can be written as the difference between two square numbers, one
has the obvious factorization
n = x2-y7 = (x-y)(x + y) (1)
On the other
hand, if n = ab, b≥a is composite, one can obtain a representation (1) of n as the difference of two squares by
putting x - y = a, x + y = b that
Since we
deal with the question of factoring n, we can assume that n is odd, hence a and b are odd and the values of x and у are integral. Corresponding to each factorization of n there exists, therefore, a
representation (1). To determine the possible x and y in (1) we write x2
= n + y2.
Since x2 ≥ n, one has . The procedure consists in substituting successively for x the values above and examining whether the corresponding is a square y2.
method is particularly helpful when the number n has two factors whose difference 2y = b - a is relatively small, because a
suitable у will then quickly appear. By means of certain other improvements
that can be introduced in the procedure, it becomes one of the most effective
factorization methods available.
particular interest is Fermat's last theorem. Greek maths, as is known, was
geometric in character. However, during the later Alexandrian period, the
algebraic methods came more into the foreground. During this period, Diophantus
(A.D. 250), the most renowned proponent of Greek algebra, lived in Alexandria.
Nothing is known about his life. All his books deal with the properties of
rational and integral numbers, topics on algebraic equations and more
particularly with the solution of certain problems in which it is required to
find rational numbers satisfying prescribed conditions. More than 130 problems
of this latter type are discussed, and Diophantus shows great ingenuity in
devising elegant methods for their solution.
The path
from Diophantus to Fermat although long in time, is quite direct. Fermat
represents a focal point in the history of number theory; in his work the
radiating branches of earlier periods were united and their content recreated
in a richer and more systematic form. Fermat possessed a well-known copy of Diophantus,
which he also used as a notebook. In the margins he jotted down several of his
most important remarks as they occurred to him in connection with the related
problems in Diophantus.
We now come
to the most famous of Fermat's remarks in his copy of Diophantus. In the book
Diophantus propounds: "To decompose
a given square number into the sum of two squares." To use a general
notation, let a2 be the
given square for which one wants to find x
and у such that
= x2 + y2. As usual, Diophantus asks for rational
This problem
to us is quite straightforward, but it was not always so. In the oldest
preserved Diophantus' manuscript, copied in the thirteenth century we find at
this point the following heartfelt remark by the writer: "Thy soul, Diophantus,
to Satanas, for the difficulty of thy problems and this one in particular."
Fermat's comments in connection with this problem are as one should expect
considerably more constructive and of much greater consequence: "However,
it is impossible to write a cube as the sum of two cubes, a fourth power as the
sum of two fourth powers and in general any power beyond the second as the sum
of two similar powers. For this I have discovered a truly wonderful proof, but
the margin is too small to contain it."
This is the
famous Fermat's theorem, sometimes called Fermat's last theorem, on which the
most prominent mathematicians have tried their skill ever since its
announcement three hundred years ago. In algebraic language, it requires that
it shall be shown that the Diophantine equation
xn + yn = zn has no solution in integers, x, y,
and z, all different from zero, when n ≥ 3. The question whether Fermat
possessed a demonstration of his last problem will in all likelihood forever
remain an enigma. Fermat, undoubtedly, had one of the most powerful minds ever
applied to investigate the laws of numbers, and from his indications there is
every reason to believe that he was able to prove the various other assertions
that he included in the Diophantus notes. The remark that the margin was too
small may, perhaps, sound a bit like an excuse, but it was an observation he
had to make also in other instances.
problem has remained remarkably active throughout its history, and results and
research on it still appear frequently in the math journals. It must be
admitted frankly that if the specific result implied in the theorem were
obtained, it would, probably, have little systematic significance for the
general progress of maths. However, the theorem has been extremely important as
a goal and a constant source of new efforts. Some of the new methods it has
inspired are basic nowadays not only for number theory but also for many other
branches of maths.
Leonhard Euler
Euler (1707-1783) was a remarkable scientist whose contributions have left
their imprint on almost all branches of maths. His papers were rewarded ten
times by prizes of the French Academy. His productivity was immense; it has
been estimated that his collected works fill upward of 100 large volumes. One
of his best known works Complete
Introduction to Algebra (1770) contains much material on elementary number
theory. Euler's factorization method
applies only to numbers which in some way can be represented as a sum of two
squares N= a2 + b2
as, for instance, 41 = 52 + 42. It is possible to show
that if a number can be represented as the sum of two squares, one can find all
factorizations by Euler's method. Euler's method is capable of wide extensions.
It leads to the theory of representations of numbers by means of a quadratic
forms, i.e., N = ax2 + bx2 + cy2.
representations can under certain conditions be used for factoring in the same
manner as the special form N = x2
+ y2.
It will
carry us too far to discuss the great number of other aids and methods for
factoring, some of them very ingenious. Considerable effort has been centred on
the factorization of numbers of particular types. Some of them are numbers
resulting from math problems of interest. Others have been selected because it
is known for theoretical reasons that the factors must have a special form.
Among the numbers that have been examinated in great detail one should mention
the so-called binomial numbers N = an ± bn where a and b are integers.
Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann
Euler had begun applying the methods of the calculus to number-theory problems,
however, the German mathematician G. F. B. Riemann (1826-1866) is generally
regarded as the real founder of analytic number theory. His personal life was
modest and uneventful until his premature death from tuberculosis. According to
the wish of his father he was originally destined to become a minister, but his
shyness and lack of ability as a speaker made him abandon this plan in favour
of math scholarship. At present he is recognized as one of the most penetrating
and original math minds of the nineteenth century. In analytic number theory,
as well as in many other fields of maths, his ideas still have a profound
His starting
point was a function now called Riemann's zeta function
function he investigated in great detail and showed that its properties are
closely connected with the prime-number distribution. On the basis of Riemann's
ideas, the prime-number theorems were proved by other mathematicians. Much
progress has been made in analytic number theory since that time, but it remains
a peculiar fact that the key to some of the most essential problems lies in the
so-called Riemann's hypothesis, the last of his conjectures about the zeta
function, which has not been demonstrated. It states that the complex roots of
the function all have the real component 1/2.
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