measurement of quantities implies a vague notion of real numbers. From the math
point of view, the origins of the theory of real numbers can be traced back to
the progressive formation by the Babylonians of a system of numeration which was
(in principle) capable of representing arbitrarily close approximations to any
real number. The possession of such a system, and the confidence in numerical
calculation which naturally resulted from it, inevitably led to a
"naive" notion of real number which differs hardly at all from that
which is current today (linked with the decimal system of numeration) in
elementary education and among physicists and engineers.
This notion
cannot be precisely defined, but can be expressed by saying that a number is
regarded as defined by the possibility of finding approximations to it and
using these approximations in calculation; this necessarily implies a certain
amount of confusion between measures of physical quantities, which, of course,
are not susceptible to an infinite series of successively closer and closer
approximation, and "numbers" such as √2 (assuming that one in possession of an algorithm which would
make possible an infinite series of successively closer and closer
approximation of such numbers).
A similar
"pragmatic" attitude appears in all math schools in which experience
in calculation is more important than rigour and theory. The latter, however,
were predominant in Greek maths and it is to the Greeks that we owe the first
rigorous and coherent theory of ratios of magnitudes, that is, essentially, of
real numbers. This theory was the culmination of a series of discoveries about
proportions and, in particular, incommensurable ratios, whose importance in
the history of Greek thought can hardly be exaggerated, but which in the
absence of accurate texts can be discerned only in outline.
Greek maths
in its early stages was inextricably bounded up with speculations, part
scientific and part philosophical and mystical, about proportion, similitude
and ratios, especially "simple ratios" (expressible by fractions with
small numerators and denominators) and one of the characteristic tendencies of
the Pythagorean school was to attempt to explain all in terms of integers and
ratios of integers.
But it was
the Pythagorean school, in fact, which discovered that is √2 irrational. This is
without doubt the first example of a proof of impossibility in maths and the
mere fact of posing such a question implies a clear distinction between a ratio
and approximations to it, and indicates the immense gap which separates the
Greek maths from their predecessors.
We know
little about the movement of ideas which accompanied and followed this
important discovery. We shall give only a brief summary of the main ideas which
lie at the base of the theory of ratios of magnitudes which was constructed by
the great mathematician Eudoxus (a contemporary and friend of Plato),
definitely adopted by classical Greek maths and is known to us through Euclid's
1) The word
and the idea of number are strictly reserved to natural integers >1 (1 is
the monad and not, strictly speaking, a number), to the exclusion not only of
our irrational numbers but also of what we call rational numbers: to the Greek
mathematicians of the classical period the latter are ratios of numbers. There
is much more here than a simple question of terminology: the word
"number" was for the Greeks (and for the moderns up to a recent time)
linked with the idea of a system with two laws of composition (addition and
multiplication); ratios of integers were regarded by the classical Greek
mathematicians as operators, defined o the set of integers or on some subset of
this set [the ratio of p to q is the operator, which, applied to N, if N is a multiple of q,
gives the integer p(N/q) forming и multiplicative group but not a system with two
laws of composition].
In this the
Greek mathematicians separated themselves voluntarily from the
"logisticians" or professional calculators who, like their Egyptian
and Babylonian predecessors, had no scruples about treating fractions as if
they were numbers, or adding a fraction to an integer. It seems moreover that
this self-imposed restriction on the concept of number came from philosophical rather
than math motives and followed the reflections of the first Greek thinkers on
the unit and the multiple, the unit (in this system of thought) being incapable
of subdivision without thereby losing its character of unit.
2) The
theory of magnitudes is based on axioms, which applied simultaneously to all
types of magnitudes (there are allusions to earlier theories which apparently
treated lengths, areas, volumes, times, etc., all separately). Magnitudes of
the same type are characterized by the facts that they can be compared (that is to say, it is assumed that equality, which is an equivalence relation, and the
relations > and < are defined), that they can be added and subtracted (A
+ В is defined, and also к A — В if A > B) and that they satisfy
"Archimedes' axiom". It is clearly realized from the beginning that
this latter fact is the key stone of the whole edifice (it is, in fact,
indispensable in any axiomatic characterization of teal numbers).
For Eudoxus,
the magnitudes of a given type form a system with one internal law of
composition (addition), but that this system has an external law of composition
whose operators are ratios of magnitudes, conceived of as forming an Abelian multiplicative group. The universal domain of operators thus constructed was
the equivalent, for the Greek mathematicians, of what the set of real numbers
is for us; moreover, it is clear that, with addition of magnitudes and multiplication
of ratios of magnitudes they possessed the equivalent of what the field of real
numbers is for us, although in a much less manageable form.
Such was the
state of the theory of real numbers in the classical period of Greek maths.
Admirable though Eudoxus' construction was, and leaving nothing to the desired
in rigour or coherence, nevertheless, it must be admitted that it lacked
flexibility and did not encourage the development of numerical calculation,
still less the development of algebraic calculation. Moreover, its logical necessity
could not be apparent except to those in love with rigour and familiar with
abstraction; thus, it is natural that, with the decline of Greek maths, the
"naive" point of view, which had been preserved through the tradition
of the logisticians, should gradually re-emerge.
This point
of view is dominant, for example, in Diophantus who in truth was an upholder of
this tradition rather than of official Greek science. He reproduces the
Euclidean definition of number, but in reality he used the word
"number" to mean the unknown in algebraic problems whose solution may
be either an intern, or a fraction, or an irrational number. Although this
change of attitude on the subject of number is connected with the development
of algebra, it does not, of course, constitute an advance in itself, but rather
a retreat.
We cannot
trace the vicissitudes of the concept of number through Hindu, Arab, and
western maths up to the end of the Middle Ages. The "naive" notion of
number predominated, and although Euclid's Elements served as a basis for the
teaching of maths during this period, it is most likely that the doctrine of
Eudoxus remained generally uncomprehended because the need for it was no longer
appreciated. The "ratios" of Euclid were customarily described as
"numbers", and the rules for calculating with integers were applied
to them without any attempt to analyze the reasons for the success of these
we see R. Bombelli, as early as the middle of the 16th century. expounding a
point of view on this subject in his Algebra which is essentially correct;
having realized that once the unit of length has been chosen, there is a
one-to-one correspondence between lengths and ratios of magnitudes, he defines
the various algebraic operations on lengths (assuming, of course, that the unit
has been fixed) and, representing numbers by lengths, obtains the geometrical
definition of the field of real numbers and thus gives his algebra a solid geometrical
In the
following two centuries the definitive establishment of correct methods was
twice retarded by the development of two theories: the infinitesimal calculus
and the theory of series. In the seventeenth century the main subject of debate
was the notion of "infinitely" small, which though justified a posteriori
by the results which were obtained with its help, seemed to be in open
opposition to the axiom of Archimedes; and we see the most enlightened minds of
this period finally adopting a point of view which differed little from that of
Bombelli, and which is distinguished above all by the greater attention it paid
to the rigorous methods of the ancients.
Isaac Barrow
(Newton's teacher, who himself played an important part in the creation of the
infinitesimal calculus) recognized the need to return to the theory of Eudoxus
in order to regain the proverbial "geometrical certainty" in the
subject of number. On the other hand, defining numbers to be symbols which
denote ratios of magnitudes and to be capable of being combined by the
operations of arithmetic, Barrow obtains the field of real numbers in terms
which Newton took up again in his Arithmetic and which his successors up to
Dedekind and Cantor did not change.
But it was
in this period that the method of expansion in series was introduced; this
rapidly took on an extremely formal character in the hands of impenitent
algebraists and deflected the attention of mathematicians from the questions of
convergence which are essential to any sound use of series in the domain of
real numbers. At the same time began the movement of ideas which led to the
definition of continuous functions and the general definition of compact
spaces. Weierstrass had perceived the logical importance in making the idea of
real numbers entirely independent of the theory of magnitudes; the latter is
effectively equivalent to an axiomatic definition of the points of the line
(and thus of the set of real numbers) and the assumption of the existence of
such a set. Although this method is essentially correct, it is evidently preferable
to start only from the rational numbers, and to construct the real numbers from
them by completion. This was achieved, by diverse methods and independently of
each other, by Weierstrass, Dedekind, Meray and Cantor; while the method of
"cuts", proposed by Dedekind came very near to the definitions of
Cantor began to develop the theory of sets of real numbers. the idea of which
was first conceived by Dedekind, and thus obtained the principal elementary
results on the topology of the real line, the structure of its open and closed
sets, the notion of derived set and of totally disconnected perfect set. Cantor
also obtained Theorem I on the power of the continuum and deduced from it that
the continuum is uncountable, that the set of transcendental numbers has the
power of the continuum, and also (a paradoxical result for its time) that the
set of points of a plane (or of space) has the same power as the set of points
of a line. With Cantor these questions assumed practically their definitive
Apart from
leading to work on general topology and applications to integration Cantor's
work has led to investigations of the structure and classification of sets of
points on a line, and a real valued functions of a real variable. These have I
heir origin in the work of Borel which was directed mainly towards measure
theory and "Borel sets".
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